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Monday, October 28, 2013

Chewing Sugarless Gum Can be Good for Your Teeth

Chewing gum is no longer about just blowing bubbles, it is about protecting your smile too. 
  • When you don’t have a tooth brush handy chewing sugarless gum can help clean your teeth after a meal or snack.  The action of chewing natural wipes away the remaining food debris.
  • Most sugarless gums contain xylitol, which also helps control certain types of bacteria that contribute to tooth decay and can be especially useful for people who are cavity prone. 
  • The act of chewing increases the amount of saliva in your mouth.  Saliva is another natural tooth cleanser and people whose mouths are dry are more likely to get cavities.  Chewing gum can also help relieve the uncomfortable feeling that comes with a chronically dry mouth.
So, go ahead.  Get that pack of gum and start chewing.  Just make sure it is sugarless…