It may seem unfair, but there are certain diseases that men
are more likely to get and gum disease is one of them.
Periodontal gum disease is a bacterial infection that starts in your
gums, but it doesn’t stay there. The
bacteria can be absorbed through the thin tissue of your mouth or get into your
blood stream when you swallow.
When left
untreated this can contribute to a chronic state of inflammation in your body and this inflammatory
response is what medical researchers believe is the link between gum disease
and other serious medical conditions.
According to the American Academy of Periodontology, in addition to diseases like Alzheimer's, diabetes, and cancer, there are inflammation related conditions that are specific to men.
Prostate Health – PSA is an enzyme that increases when the
prostrate is challenged by inflammation, irritation or cancer. In cases where the person being tested also
has gum disease the PSA levels are even higher, leading researches to believe the two are linked.
Cancer – Men with gum disease are 14% more likely to develop cancer than men with healthy gums.
Impotence – Men with gum disease have an increased risk of
becoming impotent. It is believed that
the chronic inflammation damages blood vessels that are vital for male sexual
Heart Disease – Men are more likely to get heart disease
than women and if they have periodontal disease, the risks are even higher.
So, gentlemen… If you
have been putting off seeing the dentist and getting professional teeth
cleanings, now might be the time to pick up the phone and schedule an
appointment. The incentives for taking
care of your oral health may be much higher than you originally thought.
If you are in the Rocklin, CA area – we would love to
help. Just call (916) 624-3119
Resource: American Academy of Periodontology