We all have them. Little germy guys in our mouths. Not all of them are bad, but some of them can be.
It is estimated that the average person has 20 million microorganisms in their mouth at any given time. We swallow about 100 billion of them a day, giving them access to our blood stream and all of the organs it comes in contact with.
In our mouths, bacteria feed on sugars and starches we eat and produce acids that damage tooth enamel. They contribute to cavities, bad breath, and periodontal gum disease. There are studies linking some of these bacteria to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's and other serious conditions.
Keeping the bugs in your mouth in balance is more important than ever.
Once you have an organism you can't get rid of it,, but you can manage it. Here are some of the ways we recommend keeping your mouth healthy:
- Brush after meals so that bacteria have less starch and sugar to feed on
- Floss daily to ensure the areas between your teeth are clean - bacteria love to hide there
- Limit the amount of sugar and starch in your diet
- Empower your immune system with a good diet, healthy sleep, and limited stress
- See your dentist and dental hygienist as often as they recommend
- Use an anti-microbial mouthwash daily
- If you have periodontal gum disease, follow all recommendations for keeping it under control
When in a balanced, healthy state the organisms in your mouth are nothing to worry about. Taking care of your dental health will help you keep your mouth healthy and may actually help prevent or keep in check medical health conditions you would rather not have.
If you are concerned about the health of your mouth we would love to help. Give us a call at (916) 624-3119. Rocklin, CA