Whether you are new to our office or already one of our happy dental family members, our goal is to provide comfortable, thorough dental exams that help keep you and your mouth healthy.
Your dental check up experience in our office will include:
A Conversation - We will review your medical and dental history and ask about any questions or concerns that you may have. This is your opportunity to help us customize your dental experience and get information on any elective treatments, like cosmetic dentistry that you might be interested in.
A Quick Look at Your Mouth - Our dentist or hygienist will check for obvious issues and make recommendations for x-rays if needed. There are also x-rays recommended every one to 5 years to be considered. We use digital x-rays which are extremely safe and good for the environment too.
Checking the Health of Your Gums - Your hygienist will use a small measuring tool to check for gum recession and the depth of the pockets around your teeth. This will help us know if you have or are at risk for periodontal gum disease, which causes tooth loss and is linked to many serious medical conditions. When doing this the hygienist will call out numbers that are usually in the 1-5 range. Measurements of 3 and below are ideal.
Oral Cancer Screening - We will look through your mouth, lift your tongue, and palpate your jaw and neck to ensure you have no evidence of this deadly disease.
Teeth Cleaning - Also called dental prophylaxis, this includes gently taking off the plaque and tartar that has formed on your teeth. This needs to be done professionally at least every 6 months since there are areas brushing and flossing might not reach and tartar is too hard for you to remove yourself. Bacteria hide in the tartar and put you at risk for cavities, infections, and gum disease.
Sometimes, if there is a lot of hard tartar on your teeth or your gum pockets are at unhealthy levels we may need to recommend supplemental cleanings or therapy. This can be prevented with regular dental visits and brushing and flossing daily. After treatment, we will carefully monitor your oral health and help you keep your mouth healthy.
A Thorough Dental Exam by the Dentist - We will review any x-rays taken and check your mouth carefully for any risks or concerns. If needed, treatment will be presented and you will have an opportunity to get answers to any questions you may have. If you have expressed interest in some of the elective things we offer like teeth whitening or cosmetic dentistry we will provide that information as well.
Scheduling Your Next Visit - We have found that it is easier for our patients to stay on track and get appointments that work well with their schedules if they schedule their next visit before leaving. Our patients appreciate this opportunity and also know that we will confirm the appointment as the date gets closer.
If treatment has been recommended, we will go over the cost, insurance coverage estimates, and any questions you have before scheduling your appointment.
As you can see, we take your oral health seriously and hope you do too. If you are due for a dental exam or looking for a new dentist, you can reach us at (916) 624-3119.