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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How to Motivate Your Kids to Take Care of Their Teeth

No one wants their children to grow up experiencing the financial, emotional, and physical strain that neglected teeth can bring. Instilling healthy habits while they are young can ensure a lifetime of good oral health, but kids are kids and don't always understand how important these habits are. Motivating them is not always easy.

Brushing and Flossing

One of the best ways to ensure your kids brush and floss well is to make oral health care a family event. When you and your children brush and floss together you are modeling what being healthy looks like. They will be less likely to consider the idea of not joining in as it will just seem a natural part of family life.

Let them choose their own colorful and fun brushes and floss. You may want to consider tooth brushing timers or 2 minute songs to help them stay brushing as long as they should

Let their favorite cartoon characters or the Tooth Fairy become part of their brushing motivation. Their special friends can leave positive notes and gifts around the house that keep your children engaged. Reward systems like gold stars or something to look forward to still work wonders as well.

Going to the Dentist

Your child's first visit to the dentist should be a positive experience. In our office, we always treat them special and explain what we are doing carefully. You can also prepare them with fun related books, coloring books, or this video about Dudley the Dinosaur's first visit to the dentist.

When your children experience regular check ups and teeth cleanings as a normal part of life they are less likely to be afraid and more likely to look forward to their dental visits. This creates a foundation for a lifetime of taking care of their teeth.

Getting your children to brush, floss, and go to the dentist does not have to be a challenge when you establish these healthy patterns at an early age.

Choosing a dental office that your child will feel good in is also important. In our office, most of us have children of our own, making taking care of yours an easy and natural thing to do.

To schedule an appoint call (916) 624-3119 Rocklin CA