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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to Keep Your Tooth Enamel Strong

Be Gentle With Your Teeth:  We have been brought up to believe the harder we scrub something the cleaner it will be.  This can be a dangerous mindset when it comes to your teeth.  Dr. Dan Hopper recommends brushing gently to protect your teeth and the delicate gums around them.  We also recommend and give our patients soft toothbrushes.  When you brush daily, your teeth will come clean with a gentle touch.

Protect Your Teeth When Swimming in Chlorinated Pools or Water Parks: Have you ever had your eyes burn when swimming in a pool? It means the pool water is too acidic, which can be hazardous for your teeth.  Teach your family to rinse their mouth thoroughly with drinking water after swimming.  When possible, test the PH of the water you will be in.  You can find test strips and guidelines at stores that sell pool supplies.    

Don’t Brush Right after Eating Acidic Foods or Drinking Sodas: New research shows that brushing can push food and soda acids deeper into your teeth.  Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water right after eating or drinking and brush your teeth after 30 minutes have gone by.

Treat Your Acid Reflux: Your teeth get extra blasts of stomach acid when you experience reflux.  Seeking medical help and preventing episodes will go a long way toward protecting your enamel.

Avoid Sugary Foods and Sodas: Sugar is well known for contributing to cavities that attack your tooth enamel and carbonation is highly acidic.  Put the two together and they can wipe out your tooth enamel.  You can protect your teeth by limiting your exposure to both of these substances and rinsing with drinking water after you have them.