Rocklin Dental

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Saturday, February 3, 2018

How to Keep Your Kids Cavity Free

In the past it was considered normal for children to have a lot of cavities and fillings, but not anymore. With proper care, it is possible for kids to grow up cavity free and we are very happy to be a part of the solution.

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, happen when teeth are attacked by acid and bacteria. The acid comes from certain foods, drinks, and the byproducts of bacteria that live in the mouth. When a tooth is exposed to acid repeatedly it will start to de-mineralize and if the attacks continue a cavity will develop. 

No one wants their kids to have cavities and preventing them can save a lot of money over time. We recommend this 5 step plan to keep your little ones cavity free.

Limit Cavity Causing Foods – Foods that are dangerous for teeth include sodas, sugar, highly acidic foods, and white foods like bread or pasta. Be sure to read nutrition labels because sugar can be hidden in surprising places. We recommend saving cookies and candy for special occasions and not having them before bedtime unless teeth are brushed afterward. 

Take Advantage of the Benefits of Fluoride – Fluoride is a mineral and it can be used to help replace the minerals teeth have lost. It is important to be aware of how much fluoride your children are exposed to. It can be found in water, vitamins, toothpaste, and foods processed with fluoridated water. Too much fluoride can be unhealthy and cause teeth discoloration. We will be happy to help you with specific recommendations for your children.

Consider Dental Sealants – Getting sealants is an easy process that involves no shots or drilling. A tooth colored filling-like material is simply painted on the molar teeth. This material prevents the acid from getting into the high-risk pits and grooves where cavities usually start.    

Motivate Your Children to Brush and Floss – It goes without saying that taking care of teeth will keep them healthy. We recommend brushing before going to bed to prevent acids from sitting on the teeth all night long. Monitor your kids to make sure they are being thorough and make the process enjoyable with fun kid-oriented products. 

Stay Up to Date with Dental Exams & Teeth Cleaning – Visiting us is a big part of the solution. With regular dental checkups we can catch things early, when they are simple and inexpensive to take care of.  Kids will learn going to the dentist can be fun and not fear or avoid dental treatment later in life. And, we are your best resource for helping you protect your children's teeth. 

You can schedule an appointment in our Rocklin office by calling (916) 624-3119.  We promise to take great care of you and your family!