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Monday, November 6, 2017

How to Protect Your Teeth and Health During Cold and Flu Season

It’s that time of year. Viruses are filling the air looking for a place to land and we don’t want them landing on you or your family. Two of the most important habits that will help you and your loved ones stay healthy during this season are washing your hands frequently and sneezing or coughing into your elbow to prevent spreading germs.

Since toothbrushes are easily contaminated with viruses and bacteria, how we handle them can help us stay well and prevent cross contamination with other family members. The following ideas will help you keep your toothbrushes from being a source of illness: 
  • Do not store family toothbrushes together in one cup or holder. A few little viruses on one brush can travel easily to the rest, spreading colds and flu. 
  • Clean and disinfect toothbrushes often - one simple way is to rinse them with mouthwash or peroxide.
  • Clean storage containers and toothbrush covers regularly. These areas are often forgotten during routine cleaning and can harbor a lot of germs.
  • Give each person their own tube of toothpaste or instruct them not to touch their brush directly to the tube when using it.  
And, if you do get sick, you can protect your teeth by:
  • Avoiding sugary syrups and cough drops – there are sugar free options available.
  • Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water – this will help you feel better and keep your mouth from drying out and being more susceptible to cavities.
We hope that you and your family stay well during this cold and flu season!