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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

5 Healthy Halloween Tips Your Kids Won't Resist

We have never met a kid who didn't love Halloween candy and it's okay to celebrate with sweets once in awhile. What often happens though, is that kids keep munching on candy for days on end and that can be bad for their teeth.

We've compiled some of our favorite Halloween tips that will help you keep your children's smiles healthy as they celebrate this fun holiday.

Have a wait until you get home rule. Take some time to sit down with your kids and go through their candy. This will allow you to eliminate items that may not be safe and help them to see how many options they have.

Focus on their favorite treats. Almost every Trick or Treat bag will have some items that just aren't as exciting as others. Have your children pick out their favorites and set the others temporarily aside. This will help them realize not all Halloween candy is equal and keep them focused on what they really want.

Offer to swap candy for other fun things. Stock up on non-food treats you can offer in exchange for the items they don't love. Coloring books, toys, movies, or even a fun outing are all good options. If the swap items are exciting enough they may give up candy quickly, especially the ones that are not their favorites.

Set up designated treat times. When kids nibble at candy all day long their teeth are constantly marinating in sugar. By setting up special treat times there is less sugar exposure and you can have your little ones clean their teeth shortly after, helping even more.

Start a new Halloween tradition. Getting a new toothbrush every Halloween is a tradition that will keep your children motivated to take care of their teeth. Be sure it's a fun brush with their favorite characters or special features they will love.

We hope these tips help you and your children have a Halloween that is both healthy and fun.

Regular check ups and teeth cleaning are also important for your children's teeth. If you are not already part of our patient family and live near Rocklin, CA, we would love to help keep your family's smiles healthy and happy.

You can schedule an appointment by calling: (916) 624-3119