So, your gums bleed a little when you brush. Or, the hygienist said you had a little gum problem.
No big deal. Right?
Not so fast.
Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is not something to mess with. And, by the time you have symptoms like gums that are sensitive, bleed or are receding, it's more than just a "little" problem. Many people have no symptoms at all and don't even know they have it. But, if you haven't been to the dentist in a year or more you probably do.
We take periodontal disease seriously and want you to know why.
Gum Disease is a Bacterial Infection - Would you postpone treating an infection in any other part of your body? Probably not. You know that they only get worse with time, until there is some kind of emergency.
It's the same with gum disease. The bacteria damage the gums and bone that support your teeth until bad things start to happen. Having an untreated infection can also strain your immune system or keep it busy when there other things it needs to fight.
It's the Number One Cause of Tooth Loss - Even if your mouth feels fine, the bacteria are causing damage to the gums and bone that keep your teeth solid. They also create areas of tartar where they can hide, making it hard for you to keep your teeth clean on your own. Eventually, your teeth will lose enough support that they start to loosen and can't be saved.
No one wants to have dentures or invest extra money in other tooth replacement options when it could have been prevented.
Periodontal Surgery is Not Fun - When periodontal disease treatment has been postponed for a long time, surgery may be needed to save your teeth. By being proactive you can save time, money, and surgical procedures.
It Can Ruin Your Smile - Gum disease affects the appearance of your smile, which in turn can impact how people perceive you and how confident you feel. We have witnessed how important smiles are for self-confidence, which helps you do better in all areas of life. Being proactive in treating periodontal disease can keep your smile looking it's best.
It Could Impact Your Overall Health in a Number of Ways - We've already mentioned how it can affect your immune system and the dangers of living with an untreated infection, but there is something else you should know.
Bacteria in your mouth gets into your blood stream easily through the soft tissue in your mouth or when you swallow. Think about it. This is not a good thing. At a minimum it can cause chronic inflammation in your body, which has been linked to many life-threatening diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, and more. In extreme cases it can be deadly.
It Can Impact Your Pregnancy and the Health of Your Baby - Gum disease has been linked to preeclamsia, pre-term births, and babies with a low birth weight. Taking care of your oral health is especially important if you are planning on having a child.
We hope that you understand how serious the consequences of periodontal disease can be and will be proactive with your dental care.
Because, the thing about postponing dental care is that it will catch up with you at some point. And, usually when it does the problem is more severe, uncomfortable and expensive.
You can keep your mouth healthy with daily brushing and flossing as well as visiting your dental office as often as they recommend. If you already have gum disease, they may need to see you more often.
We would love to help you keep your smile healthy and happy. Call (916) 624-3119 to schedule an appointment in our Rocklin, CA office. We promise to take really good care of you.