The new year feels like a fresh start and a good time to make resolutions or set goals for the year. Choosing resolutions that keep your smile healthy can contribute to your overall health and save you money in the long run. As resolutions go, these are pretty simple and easy to do.
Brush twice a day - when you brush your teeth you are wiping away food particles that feed bacteria in your mouth. You will also enjoy the fresh smell and taste of a clean mouth.
Floss once a day - there are areas of your teeth that can't be reached by a toothbrush. If you are not flossing these areas may never be cleaned. Flossing only takes 1-2 minutes a day and will help prevent threats to your teeth like cavities and gum disease.
See your dentist and hygienist at least every 6 months - professional teeth cleanings and checkups are crucial to maintaining your oral health. If your mouth is healthy, every 6 months should work fine. If you have gum disease or frequent cavities you may need to come in more often. Having the dentist check your teeth regularly will help catch problems at an early stage and save you a lot of money and time in the dental chair.
Use anti-microbial mouthwash daily - these mouthwashes help control plaque that leads to dental disease and also freshen your breath.
Ask your dentist if fluoride is right for you - fluoride is not just for kids. Many adults develop cavities as their gums recede, exposing new areas of their teeth. Some patients who have been cavity free for years suddenly have several. Fluoride can help prevent these cavity outbreaks.
Eat healthy meals and snacks - what you eat and how you take care of your overall health is important to keeping your smile happy and healthy. Avoid foods that are sticky, sweet, and contribute to cavities and eat crunchy fruits and vegetables that help clean your teeth.
Chew sugarless gum - when you do not have access to your toothbrush after eating, chewing sugarless gum is can help clean your teeth. We encourage you to keep some handy, just in case.