Rocklin Dental

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Valentines and American Heart Month

During the month of February we see hearts all around as symbols of love.  It is the perfect time to celebrate both Valentine’s Day and American Heart Month. 

Everyone enjoys celebrating love and the special people in our lives.  We have parties, dinners, and give gifts and cards, all as symbols of how much they mean to us.  Hearts are everywhere and love is in the air.

We want the best for our loved ones, including good health and long lives.  American Heart Month brings focus to the risks of heart disease, how to prevent it, and how people who already have it can stay as healthy as possible.  Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, strokes, and high blood pressure, is the number one killer of both men and women and it is important we learn how to protect our loved ones and ourselves.  American Heart Month gives us a chance to do that.

What you may not know is that there have been studies linking oral bacteria and gum disease to poor heart health.  While more research is needed, it doesn't hurt to play it safe.  After all, bacteria in the mouth can get into the blood steam easily when swallowed and any infection in your body can drain your immune system’s resources.

We hope you take time during this month of hearts to express your love for those around you, learn more about heart disease, and make a commitment to your health.

If you are due or overdue for a dental appointment, give us a call and we will be happy to find a time that works for you.  (916) 624-3119

To learn more about heart disease, go to:
Mayo Clinic
The American Heart Assoc.